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Neeru Gupta

Professor Gupta is surgeon-scientist, educator and an internationally recognized champion for eye health. She is Professor of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences and Chief of the Glaucoma Service at the University of Toronto. She established the Glaucoma Unit at St. Michael’s Hospital and was a principal investigator for international clinical trials to evaluate new drugs, several of which are used to treat glaucoma today. Prof. Gupta is past President of the Canadian Glaucoma Society and has served the Board of the Glaucoma Research Society of Canada. She is the Glaucoma Section Editor for the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology.

Prof. Gupta is President-Elect of the World Glaucoma Association http://www.worldglaucoma.org where she currently serves as Officer of External Affairs.  Prof. Gupta is Interim President of the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) http://www.icoph.org and served as Interim CEO in 2019. She has served as Chair of the Glaucoma Section for the Association for Vision and Research in Ophthalmology (ARVO) elected by her international peers. A past member of the Board of Directors of the American Glaucoma Society, she was Chair of the Scientific Program of the Annual American Glaucoma Society meeting.

Prof. Gupta, also a faculty member with the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto is a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. She has been behind an impressive range of pioneering initiatives to raise the standard of eye care and education worldwide. She co-authored the Glaucoma Section of the American Academy of Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course – a core learning resource for residents. She chaired the development of an international Glaucoma Curriculum for residents and led the development of the first global Glaucoma Fellowship Curriculum on behalf of the ICO. She served as Chair of an international task force of glaucoma experts in collaboration with the World Health Organization, to develop ICO guidelines for glaucoma – providing, for the first time, best practice guidance for ophthalmologists working in low-resource settings, now available in 11 languages http://www.icoph.org/enhancing_eyecare/glaucoma.html. She played an instrumental role in the new ICO-World Glaucoma Association African Glaucoma Fellowship Program to provide young ophthalmologists from sub-Saharan Africa with the opportunity to improve their glaucoma skills and bring them back to their communities. Prof. Gupta is the Convener for the Glaucoma Scientific Program for the World Ophthalmology Congress 2020.

For these initiatives and others, Prof. Gupta received achievement awards from the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology and the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and was awarded a Physician Mentor Recognition Award from the American Medical Association. She was honored with the Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce Female Professional of the Year Award and in 2018 received the inaugural global Champion for Change Award representing women in ophthalmology.

As a scientist with the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Prof. Gupta directs a translational research team that has published numerous seminal scientific articles focused on visual system injury in glaucoma and new treatments for glaucoma. She has played an integral role in the discovery of brain changes in glaucoma and translating the findings to human disease. For her ground-breaking work, she was awarded the World Glaucoma Association Award. Her team discovered the lymphatic circulation in the eye, and described its role in normal and diseased eyes. This work was awarded the New York Academy of Medicine Lewis Rudin Glaucoma Research Prize.

At St. Michael’s Hospital, she co-founded the non-profit Human Eye Biobank for Research, the first in Canada, and an invaluable resource utilized by researchers around the world www.humaneyebank.ca. Prof. Gupta is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of The Glaucoma Foundation New York, and an Editor of prestigious international journals including Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences. She serves as Ocular Imaging Section Editor of the Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology as well as Associate Editor of the Journal of Glaucoma.

Her research contributions have been recognized by election to the Glaucoma Research Society – an international group of glaucoma scholars http://www.glaucomasociety.org/. Her contributions to global eye health have been recognized by the Academia Ophthalmologica Internationalis http://www.a-o-int.org/aoi-homepage.html. She is also a member of the American Ophthalmology Society. Recently she has been honored with the 2020 International Asia Pacific Glaucoma Society Award for significant contributions to the development of glaucoma care in the Asia-Pacific region. This year she received the prestigious President's Award from Women in Ophthalmology for outstanding achievements and leadership in ophthalmology.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2022-12-15 09:30-09:45 主会场


讲者 The Eye's Waste Clearance System and Implications for Disease